Apple iPhone: A New Business Model?

This CNN|Money article:  How an iPhone could rock wireless is pretty interesting because it discuss how the Apple iPhone could represent a very disruptive force in the mobile market.  I think this is fascinating on two levels:

  • As a consumer:  I’m a gadget fan and am well known among my friends for rabidly acquiring the latest mobile phones.  Right now I have a Motorola Q, but I could easily see switching to an Apple iPhone if it was really cool.  This might be the thing, or even more compelling if combined with an iTV, that gets me to switch to the Mac OS.  Regardless, I’m always excited to see new, really cool gadgets, and I have no doubt the iPhone will fall in that category.
  • As a business guy:  I like to see distrupting new business models.  Apple could really shake up the mobile phone space – either as an MVNO (basically a private label mobile carrier – they buy their time from the big networks at wholesale and resell it) or by forcing new relationships with the carriers.  Or even better by forcing the existing carriers to accept a new business model by either ignoring them and using the unlimited data plans that seem common or structuring deals that are more favorable to Apple.  I have no doubt they can negotiate such deals because the right phones (like the Q) do drive people to change networks, which is a big deal.

I’m looking forward to seeing the new iPhone and the new i Business Model – should be interesting.

So, what do you think ?